At Safe Distance

Free scary stories about cryptids including bigfoot, dogman, wendigo, and more.

List of stories

Bigfoot : The sleepover with Bigfoot
Bigfoot vs the Heston Logging Company
Bigfoot vs Bear
Bigfoot : Halfbreed
Bigfoot in Arkansas
Bigfoot is Found Dead in the Road
Bigfoot the Moonshiner
Bigfoot vs Dogman during the Bicentennial
Bigfoot vs Dogman in Michigan
Bigfoot chases couple in Washington State
Bigfoot Seen Farming Wild Boar
Bigfoot Chases and Traps Couple inside Rest Stop BathroomYou Tube link
Bigfoot and Native Americans
Bigfoot seen in Oklahoma on Reservation
Bigfoot seen in Ashland Oregon
Bigfoot abduction in Oregon: Bigfoot as a Room Mate
Bigfoot in Mark Twain Forest
Bigfoot Steals Rabbits in Oregon —- Youtube link
Bigfoot Babies found at Mt St HelensYouTube link
Bigfoot Rises out of Water in Oklahoma surprising 3 boys
Bigfoot attacks a man’s house but a practical joke stops him – Youtube link
Bigfoot Ate My Dog ———————– You Tube link
Bigfoot vs 10 man kill team vs Invasive SpeciesYouTube link
Bigfoot stalks boy hunter — YouTube link
Bigfoot is Having His Baby! YouTube link
Bigfoot Gave her a diamondYouTube link

Dogman : Dogman female gives birth while trapped with 2 teen humans
Dogman : Dogman Sighting in Missouri
Dogman : Dogman spotted in Colorado
Dogman : Dogman 4th of July in Minnesota
Dogman : Dogman spotted in Wisconsin
Dogman : Dogman seen in Utah —- YouTube link
Dogman: Dogman meets Man of Equal Size
Dogman: Dogman attack spoiled by unexpected playerYouTube link

Wendigo : The White Wendigo
Wendigo : Michigan – I think I encountered a Wendigo
Wendigo : The Portal Wendigo
Wendigo : The Avalanche Wendigo
Wendigo : Draft Dodger meets Wendigo
Wendigo: Wendigo stalks Boyscouts – YouTube link

Various Stories

Stairs in the Woods: No Stairway to Heaven
Frozen Lady Assassins vs the High School Student
8th Grader Accepts Dare at School Dance
Chicken Farm

The Scariest Truth Ever Told

Blog Posts

Cars that Run on Water
Why Dogman does likely not exist
Bigfoot Perspective
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