It was just dumb luck she happened to be looking out the truck window in just that direction when the lightning struck. It caused the beast to draw its arms back into itself and to jump backwards a little bit. The entire time that happened however the beast was looking directly at her. Then it was gone. While talking to her father another bolt of lightning lit up the area. Dolly was quick to scan the landscape looking for any sign that beast was still out there but she saw nothing. This all happened in a very short amount of time. Dolly finally had a moment to allow herself to second-guess what her mind was telling her it had seen. She reasoned there was nothing to see the second lightning flash. Perhaps she was seeing things. It was very easy to do when you are looking at trees in the fall after they have lost many of their leaves. Add in the darkness being suddenly lit up like it was Vegas on Saturday night and even she had to question if her eyes were playing tricks on herself? The outside became a shade or two lighter than it was a few seconds previous. Now Dolly could see a short distance as the sun continued to rise somewhere behind those rain clouds. It was far too gone to be able to even see a hint of where exactly it was in the sky but the ability to see was increasing so somewhere up there the sun was battling to do its job. next page | |