I supposed that the people trying to escape going south were afraid of the same thing I feared; that the volcano wasn’t through. It already seemed like the end of the world was in play so any further big explosions might be enough to finish us off. The two baby bigfoot continued to be rock solid. I didn’t know if it was an instinct built into them or if they had just been raised so very well but they gave me no reasons to wish they were not with me. Quite the opposite in fact. It is almost a certain that if their superior ability to see in darkness was not with me that I would not have survived the climb down to where the road was taking all those cars. Then to reach my hotel we had to climb back up the other side once we got past the road. If I had been doing anything besides going on a walk with the team I would have had a pack with supplies in it which would have included a flashlight and maybe even some flares. When on a walk you have to carry your own ammunition and you learn quick that when you are out there in it; what you need more than anything else, is more ammunition. It is freakin’ hard to walk away from suffering creatures but once you are out of ammo, you’re done. So most the experienced members carry nothing but ammunition even though we are aware not carrying other supplies might cost us our lives. It is that hard to see the suffering and not be able to end it for them. next page | |