During the coldest months of the winter was also when it was the darkest in the mornings when she had to walk up to catch the bus. Some days when it was extra cold, or raining, her dad would give her a ride up in the pick up truck and sit with her while they waited for the bus to come. It was one of those rainy, cold mornings in the late fall that she first saw it. The sun wasn’t eager to make an appearance that morning so there was almost no visibility. Then lightning flashed followed by a loud thunder but Dolly was already sunk down in the seat of the truck. It wasn’t the thunder crashing so loud that sent her ducking. It was what she saw when the lightning flashed. It was for no longer than it takes for lightning to strike a tree. To make that really bright flash. Then leave the area with an odor of burned ozone. Your mind etched with a dull image which you are not sure is a result of the area actually having still been lit up for an extra split-second before everything went dark again or if you were seeing a human version of a picture taken when the flash was bright, leaving imprinted on your mind what it was able to take in during that split-second flash of lightning. Either way Dolly was terrified with what she saw during her split-second. next page | |